The 23rd annual Youth Infringement Festival Took place virtually from May 6 to 9, 2021. The Best of Fest award was given out to the Coven, and the Rich Little Award recipients were Anne Hamel and Robin Treleaven!
A Gentleman's Dispute by Karim Rostom & Seth Thomson
When standing next to another Gentleman at a urinal, The Gentleman’s Code mandates that one should avoid the following at all costs: I. Sparking a dispute. II. Verbal and/or non-verbal jousting. III. Shooting a man. IV. Condemning someone to a fate worse than death. V. Getting married. The breaking of any of the tenets outlined in The Gentleman’s Code may result in the loss of one’s status as a Gentleman. If a Gentleman's Dispute ever proves to be unavoidable, The Code suggests that one treads with the utmost caution.
Directors: Nat Habib and Brooke Trealout
Stage Manager: Robin Treleaven
Actors: Lily Lachapelle, Michael Evans, Olivia Little, Alana Malanga
Signal Breakdown by Rebecca Kempe
Natasha and Jacob’s marriage has been slowly falling apart ever since it began, and now Jacob has pulled the last straw – he has disappeared. For two weeks. Without telling Natasha where he has gone. When Jacob comes home late one evening, multiple questions run through Natasha’s head. Where did he go? Why did he leave? And most importantly, can she save their marriage?
Director: Corinne Viau
Stage Manager: Quinn Melenchuk
Actors: Zuzia Kochanowicz, Chris McKay
Twelve Hundred by Eve Beauchamp
Equations + Galaxies + Growing up + Falling down = Twelve Hundred. Twelve Hundred follows Rowen’s journey from being a kid that loves to count, to being a young adult who can’t seem to stop counting. She grapples with memories, calculations, passions, and numbers, all the while trying to bake the perfect chocolate chip cookie.
Director: Ella Storey
Stage Manager: Abigaile Gagnon
Actor: Emily Mallett
Stevie Nicks Is My Girlfriend by Nat Habib
Amanda has always been terrible at handling her life problems, but Brian has always been ride or die for his best friend. When Amanda's complicated love life comes back to bite her, Brian agrees to get her out of this mess. But will they get more than what they bargain for? And will they ever finally come to respect one another's opinion on Fleetwood Mac's Tusk?
Director: Seth Thomson
Stage Manager: Tamara LaPlante
Actors: Gabrielle Houle, Harley Wegner, Douglas Newham, Rose Kabbouchi, Cierra Browne, Jenna McNamara, Hayley Dennis
Oh Boy! by Kosta Elias Diochnos
In the unimaginable bounds of cosmic space, there are innumerable numbers of those that live within, and those that live without. There are those who exist only to pre-exist. There are those who fall away, and far away, find a way. And there are those like the boy we see today, at 9:30 a.m., on a frosty February morning, at Colonel Arvin’s Family Style Restaurant and Dance Hall in Ingersoll, Ontario - population 12,757. Here today, here there, here everywhere.
Director: Andrea Zukowski
Stage Manager: Jacob Nevins
Actors: Billy Mott, Will Jenkins, Michael Evans, Sara Capanna
The Coven by Shanice Pereira
The Coven travels through generations and across countries to tell the story of one family dealing with intergenerational trauma and repairing mistakes of the past to build a brighter future.
Director: Anne Hamels
Stage Manager: Zineb Nour
Actors: Nick Gray-Grant, Rayna Farr-Dutchin, Zahra Robertson, Dan Zheng
To Be Honest by the Algonquin College Performing Arts Students
To Be Honest is a show that tests your ability to judge when a story is true, and when it is a lie ! Each actor has created two short films about an event that happened in their lives. The catch is, one is true, and one is false.- It is up to you to decide - which story is the honest truth ?!
The Company:Sean Burnett Tion Bussey-Davis Abby Cooke Raelis Fae Olivia Gault Christian Gladish Melissa Labreque Alexandria Lavigne Larse Mantilez Natanya Miriam Dain Moore Joshua Porras Areeya Rattanavong Thea Regimbal Rozalea Red Xavier Lee Silva Xander Storm Kayleigh Tryhorn Rhianna Vautrin
Director: Hannah Gibson-Fraser
Technical Director: Kevin Burton
Executive Producer and Grand Poobah: Teri Loretto-Valentik
In development series
Rotten Apple by Corinne Viau
Battleships by Doug Newham
If Aladdin Was White by Perushka Gopalkista
The A Word by Ella Storey
August Baby by Julia Aguiar
The Cons of Life by Gracie Brunner
The Distance Between Us by Maggie Fyfe
Untitled Sea Show by Lily Anne Lachapelle
Five In Grief by Billy Mott
Festival Staff
Festival Producers: Canda Habonimana, Andrew Kellie
Outreach & Communications Coordinator: Sophia Swettenham
General Manager: Lydia Talajic
Mentors: Chelsey Fawcett, Geoff McBride, Ian McMullen, Karen Balcome, Kate Smith, Ludmylla Reis, Maryse Fernandes, Matt Hertendy, Megan Carty, Pat Gauthier